poodr by sandy metz I got Ruthy, the office administrator at Metova to busy this book for me. I had previously read [rails 4 way] and [eloquent ruby] of the professional ruby series, and been very happy with both.This one had been on my radar for a while, and I was happy for the opportunity to get a free copy.

The book definitely belongs in the professional ruby series. It is truly fundamental and very lucid. If you have some professional experience, most of the content will probably be already internalized, but the explanation is extraordinarily clear, and the concepts fundamental. I think this book has a place on nearly every Rubyist’s reading list. If you are a junior developer, this is stuff you MUST be introduced to. If you are midlevel, these examples will provide clear explanations and rigorous descriptions of concepts you already have an instinctual understanding of. If you are senior, this will provide you with clear examples to explain to your junior developers. Combine the lucidity of the explanation with the overall shortness of the book ( it;s only 250 pages and contains color pictures and code samples), make it a no-risk proposition. The more you have already mastered this material, the faster you can consume the book, so there is very little risk of wasting your time with this one. There’s a 95% chance this one is worth a week of evenings, it’s not a huge payday, it gets maybe 3/4 of a mind blown, but its low risk investment for certain. If you flip through it and it all sounds familiar, congratulations! If you flip through it and learn a few things, right on! If your read it closely and your life is forever altered, go apologize to the people who worked on projects with you in the past and thank the good lord that you’ve found a chance at redemption.